
Children’s rights violations in the U.S.

There are reports that children were given drugs and placed in iceboxes ("hieleras"), where they were forced to sleep in a crowded room on the floor.
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Children’s rights violations in the U.S.

30 de Abril de 2019
Palabras clave

The U.S. has historically violated human rights at national and international levels, and their latest victims are Central American migrant children.

Human rights abuses and violations at the U.S.-Mexico border have escalated due to Trump’s zero-tolerance policy, which led to thousands of children being separated from their families. While Trump was forced by the judicial system to end this policy in June 2018, the consequences continue to impact families and the practice of detaining children remains. Earlier this month, it was reported that approximately 47,000 children were detained by immigration officers between July 1, 2017, and June...


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