
Daily collective struggles of young migrants in the US

It was a humble reminder of the challenges young migrants face in the US and of the added pressures and violence they confront.
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Daily collective struggles of young migrants in the US

17 de Abril de 2019
Palabras clave

A while back I was invited to give a talk to students at a high school outside Cincinnati, Ohio, where many recently arrived young Guatemalans attended.

The first classroom I visited had 40 students. When I asked them how many were from Guatemala, one of the students said: “Casi todos.” Soon, almost all of them raised their hands, with a smaller group saying they were from Honduras and El Salvador. I then asked how many spoke an indigenous language, and most of the students raised again their hands as some said they spoke Mam, others K’iche’. In comparison, in the second classroom there were only seven students and empty tables and chairs sur...


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