Maya migrants exist
The cover of El Periódico is in accordance with this colonial logic of wiping out indigenous people and reinforce Guatemalan severe culture of racism and classism.
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Maya migrants exist
21 de Noviembre de 2019
On the front page of October 23, 2019, edition of the newspaper El Periódico, a headline said: “Guatemalan migrants look for a better world” (my translation).
The headline was followed by the words: “They had to leave Guatemala in order to succeed. Now they try to share and develop their acquired skills to change the lives of others”. While the visibilization of migrants is crucial and necessary, the eight individuals featured on the cover were all non-indigenous. The fact that the newspaper didn’t feature or celebrate the achievements of indigenous people is not surprising, but it’s still infuriating. It’s important to note that this critique is n...
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