
“We are sad and worried”: The US and white racial terrorism

Under Trump, individual and structural racial violence is increasing within our communities.
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“We are sad and worried”: The US and white racial terrorism

17 de Agosto de 2019
Palabras clave

“We are sad. We are still sad. It’s affecting us. It affects all of us.” These were the words of my mother, who was telling me the social and political terror that she felt and which was impacting the immigrant community.

I had just returned to the US after the country experienced three deadly shootings in Gilroy, California; El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. The Gilroy and El Paso shootings were clearly racially motivated against the immigrant and Latino community. This was followed by one of the largest workplace raids ever by ICE against 680 people in Mississippi. Many children came home from their first day of school to find their parents were detained by immigration authorities. A crying 11-year old girl ...


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