
The perfect plan to solve irregular migration

A week ago, the vice president said people need hope to see that help is on the way. The most concrete help is printed on green safety paper.
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The perfect plan to solve irregular migration

07 de Junio de 2021
Palabras clave
“The market” (2018, own image).

Kamala has landed in Central America! Everybody has a proposal for her. So let me add my name to the list.

For sure, this article will make it to the vice president’s desk. Everyone from the White House to the US embassy in Guatemala will acknowledge that it is the perfect prescription.

Any policy proposal worth its salt should not be a magic bullet. Mine is a comprehensive plan to address the roots of irregular migration. Now let’s get to the point, for the vice president doesn’t have much time.

Step 1. This is the simplest part and it will provide a quick hit. All it takes is getti...


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